Sunday, April 3, 2011

Port Stephens part two.

The next day, we decided to go for a walk down near Stockton Beach to build up an appetite after a hot breakfast of bacon and eggs. At the start of the walk Dad decides to pick a prickly pear from a cactus plant and also decides to squeeze it. Of course, it bursts and he's covered in red fruit pulp from his face, hands and shirt.

Whilst this is happening, Pepe and Jaeminkins are a long way away so I have to deal with having another big kid on my hands as he complains about how his hands have invisible splinters. Do you think he's learnt his lesson about touching things he doesn't know anything about it? Hmmm, I doubt it.

We ended our walk at Birubi Point surfclub and joined in with posing as lifeguards. Hahaha. I especially liked how Jaeminkin's small head poked over the lift out. The beach was closed due to blue bottles but that didn't stop people heading into the water.

The girls jumped into the pool after our long walk and I checked out my underwater housing which I hadn't been able to use since I received it last Christmas. I so miss diving, will have to get back into that again.

My sis cracked me up with her poses looked she was having a water birth=P (sorry sis). Pepe was busy cooking up a feast of roast chicken, potato, carrots and brussels. He even made the stuffing for the chicken.

After our delicious meal, it was definitely time for a walk once again.

There was a few ants at the place and mum was scared about them biting Jaeminkins so I gave her the option of surface spray or areoguard. She then proceeded to spray the place with aeroguard choking myself and Jaeminkins. She is perhaps too liberal with the spray but not good for everyone else in the room.

Said adieu to my folks and sis and it then became only three left at the house. Spent some time with Jaeminkins and watched the sunset before settling down for a light prawn salad for dinner.

I definitely recommend checking out the lookout at Birubi Point, its amazing. Its a little steep at times but completely paved so wearing thongs aren't too bad. Such a gorgeous location, I'll definitely be coming back there again.

Our getaways was a great exercise of realising how much stuff Jaeminkin's needs. More than likely we need to learn to reduce our luggage, as there was no space at all in our car, unless your an oomp loompa.

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