Saturday, April 23, 2011

First time crocheting

You may have noticed that I posted a little while ago that I was learning how to crochet. So after perfecting the single, double crochet and assorted combinations, I was finally ready to attempt a bigger project. So I've started a pram blanket for Jaeminkins which I'm yet to finish.
Youtube is a fantastic resource especially watching a clip of learning how to crochet a granny square. After a watching the clips a few times probably more like 20 times, I finally got the hang of it. Art of crochet by Teresa was the best clip to learn from as a beginner.

Think my motivation to finish my first granny square blanket was due to fact it was going to be a present for Little Rosie for her 4th birthday. So I had to get it finished by Monday absolute latest.

I started on Thursday and finished on Saturday so it took 3 days to finish. Basically I was crocheting when Jaeminkins was asleep or happy amusing himself with his toys. The ball of wool was as big as him.

I decided to finish it off with scalloped edging. Doesn't look too bad.

As it was a little wrinkly in places, I used a steam iron to straighten it out. It made the blanket softer and flattened the crochet design.

Hoping that Little Rosie likes her one of a kind crochet blanket.


  1. Great work, you have inspired me to learn to crochet!!!

  2. that's so amazing ellen! well done! you have inspired me as well. though i just watched that youtube video and i couldn't make sense of it today... will have to come back to it! love your work.
