Thursday, January 16, 2014

Back to work already?

How fast does a year fly? It's all grinding to a halt and I'm back at work next week. I'm in denial still. It's starting to feel a little more real as I just received my Opal card in the post today.

Hoping that the Opal card will make it easy to pay for travel on public transport as I wasn't really looking forward to lining up on Monday morning to buy a train ticket.

Reading up they offer great perks such as
-free travel after 8 paid journeys in a week
-fares being cheaper than the current single, return, weekly and fortnightly tickets if travelling everyday during the working week
-Sunday $2.50 travel cap

About time Sydney catches on with the ticketing system especially having experienced the public transport system in Singapore recently.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Cupboard is bare

How therapeutic is it to stud an onion?
My first bouquet garni consisting of bay branch and leaves, 6 parsley stalks, 4 sprigs thyme, 2-3 strips lemon zest

Guess what's on the menu tonight?

Corned beef! Hoping that this meal will keep Pepe and kids happy for the next few days.
Look out for Ruebens, corned beef salads on the menu to come=)