Thursday, February 24, 2011

First cold

So I've been out of sorts as I managed to catch an upper respiratory infection from Jaeminkins. Not sure where he picked it up from, perhaps the change in weather, perhaps from all the playdates, who's to know. So Jaeminkins has his first cold at 5 months on the dot.

Day 1 I noticed that he had a runny nose, sneezing a bit. Then during the night he wakes half a dozen times and I discover mucuous vomit all in his hair, cot and clothes. So gross!

Day 2 Jaemkins and I are both wrecked and so is Pepe who tried to give me a break and sleeps in and almost misses his plane. Jaeminkins is still coughing and sneezing. Headed over to the medical centre to be informed that baby panadol can help and to wait it out.

One thing I did find interesting is that as babies can't blow their noses as yet, then tend to swallow their mucous and then their tummies don't like it and so out it comes as mucous vomit.

Day 3 His voice is hoarse and his breathing sounds like Darth Vader. His snot is more clumpier which means he's on the mend. Not as much sneezing and coughing and acting much like his happy self.

I'll be happy once this is over and when Pepe comes back from his 'mancation' in Japan. I'm off to spend time with the folks, should be interesting....

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ellen !!

    I like reading your blog, keep it up !!

    When r you coming to visit us at Artamon? Or Lane Cove (my new suburb). ;-)

    I havent met Jaeminkins yet !

    Sorry to hear that he is sick :_( I hope he gets better soon

    xx Ana
